* AGKLOADED When sign up , you require to fill an email address, set password and create a new site.
Email will serve as username to login passport account. It play the most important role that all the confidential information will be sent to. So you are provided to fill a valid email address and well maintain it. If you have signed up a wapka site before, you do have to create a new site. You can blind you old site to passport after you have completed the registration. As to terms and conditions of WAPKA please read the carefully breaching item may result in you site blocked.
After you sincerely signed up , the registered email will receive a mail in which a link to attact to verify email wil be sent. Email verification is require so please followed the email instruction down/up.
2018-01-10 02:45 · (0)

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pacman, rainbows, and roller s